New Enchants
- Fancy Raider (RARE): Deal +5/9/16% damage to players wearing leather armor
- Hunt the Hunter (RARE): Deal +10/15/25% damage to players using Khanate
- Gamble (EPIC): 50% chance to deal 0.5/1/2 HP true damage to whoever you hit or to yourself
- David and Goliath (RARE): Receive -10/20/30% damage from players with 1000g+ bounty
Bug Fixes & Adjustments
- Minor improvements to Boosters
- First Aid Egg and Obsidian Pickaxe were moved to Streda NPC
- Obsidian is now free and can be obtained using /giveobsidian
- AutoOOF was fixed and now works properly
- Explosive enchant: Explosive is not dealing damage anymore, improved explosion boost
- Added Miner NPC to the Mining World